This is an adult Common Emerald Hermithea austivaria that had been feeding on next door’s Hawthorn. It’s about 25mm across. Yes, I know that it is a bad picture but I think that we have already established that I am not a very good photographer.

I caught it in my moth trap. What? Everybody should have one. How else can you know what goes on in your garden at night? You don’t know excitement until you have found a Privet Hawk in your trap. Seriously, many are more beautiful than butterflies. Have you not seen a Cinnabar or a Scarlet Tiger? They’re both common in the British Isles.

Go on, you know that you are interested. Visit UK moths -

And, if you don’t know what to give your special one for Christmas, build them a moth trap. Their love will be guaranteed forever.

I love moths